
‘Pearls are always appropriate’ Jackie O

They maybe, when stranded around your neck and teamed with your favourite Chanel jacket but when these small persistent pearl-like bumps randomly appear around your eyes or cheeks, somehow I don’t think they’ll define you as being fashion forward!

Often confused with white heads or pimples, milium or when in clusters milia, are more common than you think, with 85% of women experiencing these whitish, dome shaped cysts.

Personally I’ve struggled with these annoying ‘accessories’ and more recently I’ve received some questions from clients who have unsuccessfully tried removing milia at home, and frequently ,at their pearl ,I mean peril, resulting in scarring and infection.

Don’t be alarmed these stubborn cysts are more of a cosmetic annoyance than anything more sinister.

 What are they?

  • They’re not pimples or whiteheads
  • They’re not harmful or infectious
  • They’re not caused by bacteria
  • They can appear  singular or in crops called plaques
  • They’re  benign

Commonly presenting around the eyes and cheeks Milia appear as whitish-yellow, small, hard, dome shaped, pearl-like bumps sitting superficially under the surface of the skin….get the picture? They can also occur in unusual places such as genitalia and mucosal membranes where they are referred to as Epstein’s Pearls… no thank you!. Milia are benign cysts containing a protein called keratin, of which skin cells are made . These skin cells get trapped underneath the skin, hardening to form a cyst.

Often they are seen in infants and referred to as milk spots, usually resolving themselves within a month post partum and without any intervention needed.

When they appear in adults, they rarely resolve spontaneously, are quite stubborn and require removal.

When is a pimple not a pimple-When it's a Milia

2 types of classification

Milia or milium are classified into primary and secondary lesions.

Primary cysts appearing http://www.cialisgeneriquefr24.com/cialis-dapoxetine/ on facial skin are thought to arise from the immature vellus hair follicle, which explains why 40% of newborns are diagnosed with milia.

Secondary milia arise after an injury to the skin involving the sweat ducts, eg; skin trauma such as dermabrasion, laser resurfacing, burns (including sunburn), contact dermatitis or even tattoos can trigger secondary milia lesions. Reactions to medications have also been documented.

Other causes which may contribute to milia are a build up of dirt and makeup getting trapped beneath the surface of the skin, in addition to heavy or occlusive creams which may clog the skin.

Treatment options-Don’t try this at home.

Since milia don’t pose a health risk, they don’t need cialis paiement paypal to be removed unless like me, you find them frustratingly annoying. My preferred method of removal is deroofing. Deroofing is where a small nic or incision is made and the contents expressed with either a paper clip or comedome extractor – fingernails just won’t do!

Other methods used are CO2 ablative lasers, diathermy or cauterisation which create a small scab lifting the milia with the scab as it heals.

Try this at home!

Exfoliate regularly-this will help them make their way to the surface link

Vitamin A-use products containing this gem.

AHA’s BHA’s –include products which contain alpha and beta hydroxy acids.

Avoid heavy clogging creams if youre prone to milia especially if they contain mineral oil use instead a lighter water in oil based cream.

Sometimes the temptation not to take matters into your own hands is too great but in the interest of scar prevention, it’s best to seek removal of milia from a trained professional!

ASkinSolutions X

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