The BZZZZ around Vitamin B3 IN SKIN CARE!


If you suffer from sensitive skin, acne, rosacea, hyperpigmentation or photoaged skin you may want to find out what the’ BZZZZ is around Vitamin B3’ and “B3-friend” it quick smart!

Sitting snugly between Vitamins A and C, Vitamin B is no middle child in the alphabet of skin vitamins. The BZZZZ around this heavy hitter of skin health vitamin B3, has been created by a plethora of recent scientific studies attesting to it’s many benefits either when applied topically or taken by mouth.

Lets get down to B3 business!

B3 is a water-soluble vitamin, not stored in the body and acquired from our dietary intake. B3 containing foods include chicken, pork, beef, fish, legumes, nuts, grain products, mushrooms, yeast extracts and coffee…..yay bread and coffee !

Vitamin B3 has 3 subtypes, also known as nicotinamide, niacinamide and nicotinic acid, all forming part of the larger collective of essential B complex vitamins, which play a number of key roles in the metabolic processes within our body which are essential for skin health.

Niacinamide and /nicotinamide’s low molecular weight allows it to easily makes it easy to penetrate the skin and are the most efficacious of the B vitamins. Together with B3’s beneficial skin health properties, it’s a popular cosmeceutical ingredient.

One of niacinamide and /nicotinamide properties is their ability to restore barrier function in the skin by increasing synthesis of keratinocytes and ceramides. Ceramides make up the protective skin lipids aiding in lubrication, maintaining hydration and together protect against irritants, helping to reduce redness.

Note that of all the B3 vitamin types nicotinic acid has a vasodilatory effect, which can cause flushing, and itching in the skin, and for this reason is not generally included in skin care.

This skincare ‘Swiss Army’ knife of skin vitamins is a multi- tool able to effectively manage multiple skin conditions including hyperpigmentation, acne, rosacea wrinkling and photo-aging simultaneously, making it essential in any skin care routine specifically targeting these conditions. B3 vitamins can be used in formulations up to 5% niacinamide with a low incidence of irritation and is a great wingman to the Retinols, helping to increase the tolerability of topical Vitamin A.

The Bzzz around B3!

The ‘B3-Hive’ of Skin Benefits at a glance…..

  • Has a broad anti-inflammatory activity
  • Assists in wound healing
  • Assists in post inflammatory hyperpigmentation by acting as a tyrosinase inhibitor interrupting melanin production
  • Helps to regulate sebum production
  • Reduces pore size
  • Effective skin lightening properties.
  • Acts as a tyrosinase inhibitor preventing the transfer of melanosomes to keratinocytes,
  • Safe for use whilst pregnant/breastfeeding including as treatment for pigmentation brought on by hormonal changes during pregnancy referred to as Melasma or the Mask of Pregnancy
  • Benefits are temporary and hyerpigmentation if use is discontinued.
Fine lines/Wrinkling
  • Increases collagen production
  • Decreases excess glycosaminoglycan (GAG) production in the upper layers of the skin (we need GAGS to act as part of the supporting structure of the dermis but too much results in a poor skin appearance)
  • Inhibits protein glycation helping to prevent the degradation of collagen
Skin Sallowness/yellowing
  • Skin sallowness seen in actinically damaged skin is believed to be a result of glycated cross-linked yellow-brown proteins that accumulate in the skin after sun exposure – photoaging. Vit B3 helps to repair the DNA damage in keratinocytes caused by UV exposure.
Atopic dermatitis and Rosacea
  • Maintains hydration
  • Restores barrier function which is disrupted by these conditions.
  • Anti inflammatory.
  • Assists in wound healing.
Non-melanoma skin cancer
  • Topically applied niacinamide has been shown to help reduce and prevent erythema induced by solar stimulated light.
  • Oral niacinamide reduces the onset of non-melanoma skin cancer

Vitamin B3 is More than a pretty face…..!

Vitamin B3’s skin health properties extend beyond it’s cosmeceutical uses. Studies show that people who had previously been diagnosed with non-melanoma skin cancers and who supplemented their intake with an additional 500mg nicotinamide twice a day, over a period of one year found a 23% reduction in new diagnosis of non-melanoma skin cancers.

Dr Gary Halliday, a dermatologist from the University of Sydney, states “Niacinimide plays an important role in the prevention of non-melanoma skin cancers and is ‘now widely prescribed by Dermatologists in Australia”, confirming it’s beneficial role in skin health

Side effects from the topical application of nicotinamide are minor and rare and include: mild burning, itching and redness and resolve quickly with discontinued use.

Cross pollination and patents pending!

During my research for this blogpost I stumbled across a patent pending with Proctor and Gamble for formulation of a new product containing both vitamin A and nicotinamide…………definitely something to watch out for!

The BZZZZ around Vit B3 – particularly in its Niacinamide form – whether taken orally or as a cosmeceutical ingredient make it a popular choice due to it’s ablility to treat a wide variety of skin conditions and for it’s ability to be well tolerated with little or no side effects.

In my opinion the skin alphabet would be lost without it!













YOU BOOZE, YOUR SKIN LOSES – Don’t be caught ‘red faced’ this Xmas!

Not ‘grinching’ on your xmas but……alcohol can wreak havoc on our skin, triggering rashes, dryness, even dull and lifeless skin.

It’s no secret Santa’s favourite colour is red. The suit, the rosy red cheeks…..he rocks red!


Those rosy cheeks however, are not from scaling chimneys Xmas eve, rather are more likely a result of imbibing in refreshments generously left out for him and his reindeers by grateful families in exchange for presents.

Fact: Santa has alcohol triggered Rosacea!

Like Santa it’s difficult to resist ‘cheering’ over the silly season but if you want to avoid Rudolphs’ glowing nose it might pay to moderate your alcohol intake and follow a few sensible ‘tippling tips’ this Xmas.

How does alcohol affect our skin?

Alcohol contains congeners, chemical substances produced during the fermentation process, which gives alcohol its unique taste, smell and colour.

Heads up! the darker the liquor the more congeners it contains and the greater kick to your hangover!

Not only are the congeners in alcohol affecting our skin, it ‘s the added sugars, salts and other impurities swirled together with those festive swizzle sticks mixing the perfect ‘molotov skin cocktail’!

If you booze your skin loses!


  • Dehydrates the skin by acting as a diuretic, making your kidneys work harder with increased trips to the toilet and giving the skin a dry,sallow appearance.
  • Prevents important vitamins and minerals required for skin health from being absorbed. Specifically vitamins A and B are destroyed by alcohol.
  • Is a vasodilator causing facial capillaries to dilate, giving the ruddy appearance Santa makes fashionable annually.
  • Interrupts our REM sleep making us more likely to wake early, feeling tired.
  • Increases our sugar/salt intake when adding mixers to drinks, creating systemic inflammation, skin ageing and the appearance of bloating.
  • May cause acne by increasing insulin levels in the blood and inflammation in the body.
  • Can trigger skin conditions such as psoriasis and rosacea
  • Damages the liver, potentially leading to cirrhosis and jaundice – a yellow discolouration of the skin



Tips to keep you ‘drinking with the enemy’!

Maintain hydration and keep your fluids up!

Hydration is what keeps the cellular processes in our body functioning optimally. For every alcoholic drink your body expels 4 glasses of water! Its recommended to alternate every 1-2 alcoholic drinks with a glass of water.

Avoid carbonated drinks as the bubbles can hasten the effects of alcohol!

Drink moderately!

‘Drunk brides don’t look pretty’, kept me sober at my wedding….imagine you’re the bride, this will help you moderate your drinking!

Downsize the size of your drinks!

Replace those ‘2 handed wine buckets’ with a smaller glass …keep a free hand for food!

Resist topping up early!

Refill your glass only when empty

Enjoy those ‘devils on horseback’!

Xmas is as much about the food so dig in!

Food helps to slow down the absorption of alcohol!

Load up on foods with high water content such as watermelon!

Hit the rocks!

Pop some ice into your drinks, this will help to dilute your drinks and aid hydration

Alcohol and skin are definitely not besties but Xmas is a time for eating drinking and merrymaking so if you want your skin luminescent rather Rudolph red then stick to the plan ….hydration and moderation!

C’mon it’s time to get a little silly!

Merry Xmas  and thank you to everybody for the wonderful support this past year! Keeping skincare simple is what ASkinSolutions is all about.I hope you’ve  enjoyed reading my blogs as much as I’ve enjoyed writing them?

Ps; Dear Santa, ….It’s water for you this year!

ASkinSolutions x